
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Its Baby Time

So my husband cam to me the other day and said, I want to seriously start trying to have babies! Man, i dont think i could have been anymore excited! We've never tried to prevent, but have never been successful either. Well i was pregnant in Feb 08, but I had a miscarriage, and nothing since. So we decided that we were probably gonna have to be the unlucky people who had to monitor and track all the crap to line up ovulation times.. uugghh such a pain! It just makes me mad to look around and see these girls who dont want to have babies accidently getting pregnant and not even meaning to, and here I am, married, and ready for kids and I have to do all this monitoring and tracking crap - sometimes I just dont see the Lords will...
 So we went to Walgreens last night, got some ovulation tests, pregnancy tests, and some prenatal vitamins for me to go ahead and start taking - im tempted to take a pregnancy test, just to make sure im not gonna start this crap for no reason lol - but i got the permanent ones this time, b/c in 08 i used a digital one, and it came up pregnant, those things go blank in like 48 hrs! i was mad - all i have is pics now! B/c im gonna be that sick mom who keeps the preganncy test, ovulation test, and anything else that shows im pregnant or helps in the process! I will probably be the most emotional overzealous mom ever!
   I am so ready for this, so if yall could pray for my....ovulation.... haha or whateva id appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for that big O! haha.. get it? Anyway, if you run out of ovulation sticks, I think I still have a whole box of them from when I was a surrogate! Or maybe they're pregnancy tests. I don't remember. Either way, good luck! And I HOPE ITS A GIRL.. when you do get pregnant.. haha
